Friday, January 08, 2010

Sun City

‘Let go…. come on, you can do it’ I shouted from below.
‘I don’t want too…… aarrgggggh’
In the end it took a little bit of an assisting shove from the lifeguard, but that’s how they roll in SA. Having screamed all the way Jess stood up and pulled her wedgie out, she was grinning from ear to ear…. and why not, she had just conquered the city of Sin’s most daunting….. ‘Slide of Courage’.

None of my mates are quite sure when Sun City was built, they just say sometime in the 80’s.... and it makes sense to leave it that way. As that decade seems like a fitting birth time for a city that is destined to always stand out in the crowd. Wedged between the spectacular rolling hills of the Pilanesberg National Park and the flat industrialised platinum planes of the Northern Province, Sun City is simply a place one must see.

And yes it has a monorail!

The Slide of Courage

Darryl Jane & Paige

Jess and me

The Valley of Waves

Inside the Casino

A scenic shot


Anonymous said...

Looks awesome! Very jealous. Makes our 2 week road trip around NSW and Vic seem a tad tame, but we had an ace time all the same. You kids enjoy. Ryan...

Madeleine Jane Viner said...

Hi Jess and Tim

well done Jess - I was so scared on the little slide at Sea World - but the buzz at the end is probably worth it

Looking forward to hearing about your travels and will keep in contact.

Just back at MLC today after 2 weeks off - but we had hotest Melb night on record - 33 plus at 4am and now over 35 - we reached 43 ish yesterday - library is hot but fan is very cooling.

Love Jane