It's beauty lies in the courage behind it.....
Saturday, December 30, 2006
Friday, December 29, 2006
Mexico/Guatemala photos 2006
Mexico Photos
Then select:
Mexico 2006 album
Then slideshow
(Be patient, it may take a couple of minutes to load)
Thursday, December 21, 2006
Back to Shhhhkoooool....
On Saturday Hutch and I left the crazy cliff divers of Acapulco and headed East. Our 8 hour bus ride brought us here, to Puerto Escondido. The town is famous for its surfing but we were here in search of knowledge; in the form of the Spanish Language to be more precise.
Armed only with our Trotter diary, on Monday we both took a deep breath then pushed on the wooden gate at institutio de Puerto Escondido. It flung open without resistance and soon after we were both sitting down at a desk like a pair of pre-schoolers waiting for their morning milk. Within minutos we had added "¿De Donde Eres?" (where are you from?) & "Necisito los baños" (I need the toilet) to our repitoir and all was looking up. But as Hutchy put it to me before school:
"Timmy, my brain can only hold so much information. When something new goes in, something old drops out."
And how right he was, for both of us! As after absorbing a day of well taught spanish we down right plain forgot to even take our brains with us on the way out! Getting "muy borrachard" (very drunk) that night as a result. This was followed by a day of truency for Hutch and two very draining solo lessons for me.
But with our plumas in hand, (pen I think?) today we continued the fight, soaking up every little bit of Español that our dried up sponges would allow us. Will we ever gain that cherished pen license? Well based on my poor gramatical skills and Hutchy's ever rumbling stomach (he's had the sh*ts for a week) no es probable, but we're still enjoying the dip regardless!
Sunday, December 10, 2006
Viva La Trotter!
The way it works is simple, there is a differential of 5 points:
- 2 points for a big win
- 1 point for a win
- 0 points for a draw
- -1 for a loss
- -2 for a bad loss
- Ripped Off (Can work in positive if we get a good deal with anything involvling cash)
- Expectation (of an event.... does it fulfill, or do better?)
- Random Luck (good or bad)
- Food (is it tasty or foul)
- Social Interaction
- Local Interaction
- Language (Como mucho Espanol did we prender?)
Each day we are both to "individualy" write up our scores (with a short comment) for the previous day, then we tally it up to get our score for that day....
Every couple of weeks I'll post up the running scoreboard to this blog.
Luego amigos...
PS After day one I'm winning with a -1, Hutchy had a -2 (he didn't learn enough Spanish)
Thursday, December 07, 2006
When everything just clicks.....
For starters the Copper Canyon train ride isn´t just "a" train ride, with no less than 86 tunnels and 36 bridges it is one of the most impressive train rides on the continent. As for the town of Creel where I hopped off, well it´s definately a travellers Mecca. From worldly French vagabonds, to inspirational Japanese cyclists, to brainstorming American inventors, Creel had them all...
I´ll let these photos do the rest of the talking.....

Saturday, December 02, 2006
Tijuana to Los Moschis with plenty in between....
Hey you know these Mexican guys are a really expressive bunch, really in touch with their infeminin side, as just 20 minutes ago I was sitting in a park here in Los Mochis when two local guys came up to me and started complementing me on my lovely legs. One even carressed my knee? But I figure it´s all normal as last week when I was in Tijuana a pair of cops did pretty much the same thing only they also got me to put my hands on their car bonnett beforehand, but I figure that´s the Baja style.... yes no?
Well it has been an eventful week and just for the record Tijuana isn´t a place I recommend to any solo traveller. It´s a circus act, with Zebra´s and everything... well donkey´s painted as zebras but hey, stupid gringos like me can´t tell the difference right? Actually their main street (Ave Revolución) has still got me puzzled. It lies in that grey area that´s between, "La Rambla" Barcelona (for crowds), the Red light district Amsterdam for sex shows and Kuta beach Bali for street hasslers... truly unique, but also nothing to hang your hat on either.
After Tijuana I took myself to the more "tranquilo locación" of Mulegé. This small quiet town is situated just in from the coast about halfway down the Baja pennisula, thankfully a long way from Tijuana. I spent four days there and loved every one of them, even managed a night scuba dive in the Sea of Cortez; the local plankton living up to their reputation too, lighting up like fire flys when we turned our torches off.... truely incredible.
Amongst all this I´ve also had time to meet the Mexican secretary of Tourism (a very handy business card when dealing with Tijuanian Police), comprender en poco mas español (understand a little more spanish) and lose my camera on the ferry ride from hell.
Hasta pronto amigos....
Saturday, November 25, 2006
Who is John Scott?
But thanks to my larger than life "Franz Ferndinand" T-shirt the bus driver (a now known avid military historian) and I struck up a conversation about the original Archduke himself. A couple of stops later the conversation has transgressed to current world politics soon after moving onto the war in Iraq. At which point an elderly man sitting across from me joins into the conversation and everything progresses along just fine. As we chat I am drawn to a bright Orange Sticker stuck to his breifcase. At the next stop a lady boards the bus, immediately striking up a friendly side conversation with him, it's at that point I know there is something more about him, and there was, he was "John Scott".
Who is that you ask? Well John Scott is no different from you or me, except for one thing perhaps. As John is chasing his dream, and to me that in itself says more about LA than anything. Cause if I've learnt one thing from my short time here its that this truly is...... the city of dreams.
But in saying that... they won't catch me napping as tomorrow I'm off to Tijuana!!!!
Oh I also saw Paris Hilton drive passed in a black Porsche today but I think that John's story was much more "Hollywood".
Saturday, November 18, 2006
The PCG Memoirs...
To most a hallway is what? A simple indoor stretch of corridor which you use to get from one room to another. But make this stretch a full 25 meters long then ad a 12 foot high ceiling and what do you have? Yes I know, a very long and tall hallway. But to those few dreamers of you out there I know you can see more..... and so did we.
Creating the PCG (Page Cricket Ground) was a team effort, visualised during the consumption of many a twilight beer out in the Page Street backyard. But as Kevin Costner knows they don’t come unless you build it. Thus on the 3rd of October myself and Pauly hand crafted the “Killcunda Super Palmer Scoop” from an off cut of Radiata pine. Aptly named after a Super Chicken Parmigiana that I’d consumed earlier that day down at the Kilcunda Pub, it’s creation marked the dawn of a new era at 168 Page St.
After some basic rules and a quick seam of red electrical tape being laid around 'The PCG pill', the Inaugural Page St Cricket test kicked off between me and Pauly. We both started tentatively not quite at home to the Rico deliveries bouncing in off the walls; but on the back of a nutty 38 in my 2nd dig I clenched the win, my final delivery getting Pauly a beautiful Bowled Rico off the legside wall.
Just like World Series Cricket back in the 70’s, the word spread fast, “What is this new game? What’s this Bowled Rico all about? How does this Caught Boonie work?
Less than 3 weeks after the 'Inaurgural Test' the First Triangular series was held, the results clearly illustrating - the PCG favoured aggressive batting and savy bowling. The next week ‘Triangular’ became Quadrangular, two days after it evolved to Pentagluar there was clearly no stopping this new form of the game.
To date the PCG has hosted no less than 18 series and had a total of 6008 “official” runs scored on it’s hallowed carpet. It’s had no shortage of controversy either with the infamous Lost Series still discussed with much passion.
With myself heading off to Mexico in a couple of days I can only hope that my fellow PCG Players continue diving for catches and striving to win matches on our hallowed PCG hallway.
Tim B.
The Lost Series
The only official evidence that the series ever took place were these 2 photos. The series were soon after renamed “The lost Quadrangular and Lost Pentangular”.

PCG Player Profiles (as at 17th Nov)

He is handy for stopping 4’s & 10’s down the ground and his official status also allows him to take catches.
On the odd occasion that he does hold onto one (he's claimed only 6 catches to date so far) celebration always rings out from any crowd members in the backroom pavilion.
Official PCG Statistics (21/11/06)
The PCG Rules
It’s simple – the further you hit the ball down the PCG hallway (which is about 25mtrs long) the more runs you get, with extra runs on offer for getting it in one of the 4 adjoining rooms and a whopping 14 runs on offer for getting it in the back bathroom. A clear stance was agreed from the outset, no runs are awarded for shots square of the wicket.
Runs are awarded as listed below:
2 runs into front TV room
2 runs passed Pauly’s bedroom door
3 runs passed Timmy’s bedroom door
4 runs into Pauly’s bedroom
4 runs passed Ryan’s office door
6 runs into Timmy’s bedroom
8 runs into Ryan’s office
10 runs into back room
14 runs into the back bathroom
Getting Out:
The rules for getting out are standard to anyone familiar with FYC or BYC, all bar one that is. It's the rule of 'Rico' and its what separates PCG cricket from all other forms of the game. It is inspired by the tight environment offered only by hallway cricket, and at the PCG the savy bowler is allowed to use these unique conditions to ‘rico’ (‘ricochet’ if you are French) the ball off the wall in an attempt to catch his man off guard.
Methods of going out are listed below:
Bowled Rico
Bowled Double Rico (aka "Cashy Rico")
Caught Auto (Wicket keeper)
Caught Rico
Caught Boonie
Hit Wicket
Special Rules:
- The game can only commence after the toss of one of the two official PCG coin’s.
- In One Day games the bowlers run up is limited to starting from Ryan’s Office doorway.
- If a bowler misfires a delivery into a room, the batsmen is awarded the value of runs allotted to that room.
- If a batsmen is out for a Golden Duck he must draw a duck on the score sheet and colour it in with the Yellow marker provided.
- In any match during a ‘series’ the batsmen must retire at 100 runs.
Thursday, October 19, 2006
Grand Final Eve Pub Crawl
Early days....
Cheers to the two young tag alongs!
Mary and Tegan shining for the camera
Stebbo makes an early move
A moment of reflection outside the 'Wick'
Binny stands strong....
Benny accepts the trolley challenge at Balaclava station
Tuesday, September 19, 2006
Stagger staggerrr.... crawl crawl....
And blow me down if it ain’t dat time of year again!
Cause yes me heartys…. today is… International talk like a pirate day!
If ye need more elp on how ta go about celebrat’n this day….. then follow da link above.
udderwise I be expect’n da bunch of ya ta be talk’n pirate till da day is thru…..
Cause if ya don’t! Well…… I’ll keel haul da lot of ya’s!!!!
Poopdeck Mahoy!
Sunday, July 09, 2006
The Frank Whaley Game
Find a really 'cheesey' portrait photograph of some semi famous person on the net, B-Grade 80's actors are my favourite choices.
Then you need to drag that photograph into an email, and write some corny text, like this:
Hi (mate's name),
I'm not Matthew Brodrick even though I do look like him, I'm actually a legitimite B-Grade actor in my own right, but who am I?
Then which ever mate guesses first gets to fire off the next image.
Of course for this to work, I'm assuming two things... you are bored, and you have mates.
Also one thing to take note of, is that for maximum effect you really need to be using outlook for your email, as with that program you can drag images into the actual email so the reader will view it at the same time as reading the txt.... when it comes to humour, it's those little things that make all the difference.
Friday, February 10, 2006
Mind the Gap
"Mind The Gap" is collection of some of the fond memories of my time there.
Mind the Gap (Part A)
Mind the Gap (Part B)