Tuesday, September 19, 2006

Stagger staggerrr.... crawl crawl....


And blow me down if it ain’t dat time of year again!

Cause yes me heartys…. today is… International talk like a pirate day!

If ye need more elp on how ta go about celebrat’n this day….. then follow da link above.

udderwise I be expect’n da bunch of ya ta be talk’n pirate till da day is thru…..

Cause if ya don’t! Well…… I’ll keel haul da lot of ya’s!!!!


Poopdeck Mahoy!


Anonymous said...

Arh me hearty. Tis like captain silver back to remind us scurvy scounderls to be talkn' proper like. yo ho ho and a bottle of rum look out wenches cause ere i come

Anonymous said...

Arrrh Longplanks me scoundrel..... Listen up and listen good.

When the tides next high
bid ur hoars fairwell,
then raise your anchor from port
and ring the mail sail bell.

As your ship must sail
to join mine at sea,
for I've discovered a map
and rich we will be.

So down your Ale,
and round up a crew,
but make it a rough one,
or they won't make it through.

For this journey I'm on,
needs the Longplanks of old,
as this map leads us straight,
to the Treasure Isle Gold!

Capt'n Silverback.

Anonymous said...

Arrr does bring a tear to me eye. When such i ear a tale that tells of long forgotten gold. Tis true you will need the Longplanks of old. But i fear he be taken by a creature so feirce and grousome, that i cants even mention tis name. Oh maybe just once, but it aint for the land lovers to know. Tis... tis... OLD AGE. Arrrrh there tis been said. Dont let the crew or other fine buckeners be finding out. For they may makes me walk the plank, and end up with Davey Jones. Or tis Johnny Deep. Never the mind. So long you mutaness scoundrel, hopes ye finds what ye be lookin for.