Yesterday me and Axel discovered Victoria Falls...... sometimes it's better to let the pictures do the talking.

First Glimpse

The water hits you from every direction

On the edge

Glad I brought my coat

Took a Microflight to get a birds eye view
Some pics from Axel's flight

It would be tough to find a better sunset

Not my pic.. .. but gives you scale of what we saw.
The face is currently 1.7km across
At the moment 900mil litres are following over every minute
Awesome Pics... keep having fun! I'm glad you did a microflight... glad it wasn't me though!!!
Timbo, very impressive waterfall... I just visited Iguazu Falls on the border of Argentina and Brazil. 2km across and 1.3mil liters a second! Not as tall as Victoria but a little more magnitude...
Oh yeh, well i just went to Erskine Falls at the back of Lorne. 1.3 metres across, 1.3 litres per hour. Wooo-yeh!
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