Find a really 'cheesey' portrait photograph of some semi famous person on the net, B-Grade 80's actors are my favourite choices.
Then you need to drag that photograph into an email, and write some corny text, like this:
Hi (mate's name),
I'm not Matthew Brodrick even though I do look like him, I'm actually a legitimite B-Grade actor in my own right, but who am I?
Then which ever mate guesses first gets to fire off the next image.
Of course for this to work, I'm assuming two things... you are bored, and you have mates.
Also one thing to take note of, is that for maximum effect you really need to be using outlook for your email, as with that program you can drag images into the actual email so the reader will view it at the same time as reading the txt.... when it comes to humour, it's those little things that make all the difference.